

Stats for Birds in Philippines

Number of species: 613

Number of endemics: 195

Number of globally threatened species: 68

Number of introduced species: 3

Bird Definitive Series, 2007-2008 Also includes the Miniature Sheet of 14 birds issued to commemorate the Taipei Stamp Exhibition, although these were not strictly definitive stamps - only 8,000 issued

To date – 32 bird designs

· 9 of the birds featured are endemic to the Philippines

· 4 of the birds featured are rarely found in the Philippines

The illustrations are taken from the book "A Guide to the Birds of the Philippines" by Robert S. Kennedy, Pedro C. Gonzales, Edward C. Dickinson, Hector C. Miranda, Jr., and Timothy H. Fisher.


Bird Stamps

Bird species by Group


Bird Series


Mythical Birds


Endemic to the Philippines